Updating Super Funds for

Now that the Fair and Sustainable Super legislation has passed both houses and it will soon receive Royal Assent, SMSFs Trustees which have not adopted the SUPERCentral Governing Rules should now consider doing so.  

SUPERCentral has already instructed its legal advisers, Townsends Business and Corporate Lawyers, to review the “Fair and Sustainable Super” Act and draft the necessary changes to the SUPERCentral Governing Rules.  It is likely that the SUPERCentral Governing Rules will be updated in early 2017 and be “Fair and Sustainably” compliant well before 1 July 2017.  Consequently SMSFs which now convert to SUPERCentral will gain the benefit of having their governing rules updated automatically in early 2017 – and will avoid the last minute rush and distraction of having to update trust deeds in June 2017 – and will permit SMSF Trustees and their advisers to concentrate on devising and implement any necessary planning strategies to cope with and benefit from (or at least minimising the downside) of ScoMo World.

To ensure that all your clients' SMSF funds will be compliant, or to update a number of funds from an individual SMSF structure to corporate, your firm may wish to use our special bulk update service. With all your SMSFs on the one set of Governing Rules, your firm gains major risk, time and opportunity cost savings.

Please contact SUPERCentral for our special low conversion rates – based on number of funds – on 02 8296 6266 or info@supercentral.com.au.

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