Tax File Number Notification (Adult Member)

Tax File Number Notification (Adult Member)

This notification permits a member/prospective member to quote their Tax File Number (“TFN”) to the Trustee in a manner permitted by Part 25A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

General statement

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, your superannuation fund is authorised to collect, use and disclose your tax file number.

The trustee of your superannuation fund may disclose your tax file number to another superannuation fund provider, when your benefits are being transferred, unless you request the trustee of your superannuation fund in writing that your tax file number not be disclosed to any other superannuation provider.

Declining to quote your tax file number to the trustee of your superannuation fund is not an offence. 

However, giving your tax file number to your superannuation fund will have the following advantages:

  • your superannuation fund will be able to accept all permitted types of contributions to your account/s;
  • other than the tax that may ordinarily apply, you will not pay more tax than you need to – this affects both contributions to your superannuation and benefit payments when you start drawing down your superannuation benefits; and
  • t will make it easier to find different superannuation accounts in your name so that you receive all your superannuation benefits when you retire.


For further information or advice please call the SUPERCentral Help Desk on 02 8296 6266, we would be pleased to assist.