SMSF conversion + company establishment + change of trustee | no change of member
SMSF standard conversion (no legal review) | company establishment | change of trustee | no change of member
Total price: $1,147
Includes: $121 - standard conversion | $137.50 - automatic update annual fee | $143 - company establishment | $597 - ASIC fee corporate trustee | $192.50 - change of trustee - no change of member | bundled product rebate - $44
Complimentary - SMSF hard copy folder
CEST hard-copy folder, add $77
SMSF premium conversion (with legal review) | company establishment | change of trustee | no change of member
Total price: $1,367
Includes: $407 - premium conversion | $137.50 - automatic update annual fee | $143 - company establishment | $597 - ASIC fee corporate trustee | $192.50 - change of trustee - no change of member | bundled product rebate - $110
Complimentary - SMSF hard copy folder
CEST hard-copy folder, add $77
IMPORTANT: Director Identification Number
For further information, please call our office on 02 8296 6266