Business | commercial

Service type

e-doc on demand | digital payg | legal review | complimentary general advice                          | price list

Accountancy pre-negotiation advice to buyer

Buying an accountancy or financial planning practice is not like buying any other business. There is much to consider that is specific to the wealth management professions.

incl. complimentary due diligence checklist
Assignment (transfer) of debt

This document pack provides the relevant documents to assign (ie transfer) the lender’s rights to receive debt payments. It is appropriate for both corporate and individual assignors and assignees.

Assignment (transfer) of lease

A tenant who wants to leave their commercial premises and transfer the lease to a new tenant needs to ensure all the paperwork is handled properly, particularly if the transfer is connected with the sale of their business.

Buy/sell arrangements set the ground rules between shareholders as to what is to happen if a shareholder, partner or unitholder dies or becomes totally and permanently disabled (‘TPD’).
$660 - advice and assistance on choice of structure
$990 - document preparation (excl. insurance trust deed and associated documents)
$462 - additional explanation and document amendment (per hour)
This document pack provides all the documents a company needs to replace its current constitution with a new updated version.
$740 soft copy
$817 hard copy
incl. $576 ASIC fee
Company establishment
$740 soft copy
$817 hard copy
incl. $597 ASIC fee
$740 soft copy
$817 hard copy
incl. $597 ASIC fee
$740 soft copy
$817 hard copy
incl. $597 ASIC fee
Confidentiality agreement

Our range of confidentiality agreements can protect individuals or businesses when disclosing confidential information to other parties.

Protects the party disclosing the confidential information and both parties sign the agreement even though there is no reciprocal sharing of information by the other party.
Protects both parties as each will reveal confidential information to the other and both parties sign the agreement.
+ disbursements
Typically used when an individual or business wants to discuss a confidential matter with a large organisation that is unlikely to sign an agreement, and only the party revealing the information signs the letter specifying that the matter to be discussed is confidential to both parties.
+ disbursements
Used when both parties are revealing confidential matters involving large, highly complex or industry specific information that requires a comprehensive agreement tailored to their specific needs.
plus disbursements
Employment agreement

It is in the best interests of both employers and employees to have clearly set out terms and conditions of the employment relationship. Our Employment Agreement Pack is designed for use with permanent employees who are not covered by a Modern Award or other industrial instrument.

Our Employment Agreement Pack is designed for use with permanent employees who are not covered by a Modern Award or other industrial instrument.
Lease agreement

For individuals or companies for the leasing of commercial properties and self managed superannuation funds for the leasing of business real property to a related party. Includes registration of the lease at the Land Titles Office.

PPSA loan pack - bundled service | select required product/s

The PPSA Loan Pack is designed for use when a loan is made to a Company Borrower. Select only the services you need to easily calculate the total cost of your loan documentation.

$330 - loan deed
$253 - security agreement over the borrower's assets
$165 - guarantee and indemnity from director/s or other persons
$55 - OSR stamping fee
$55 - PPSR registration
Restraint of trade

Many employment agreements and sales of business agreements include a restraint on the employee or vendor of the business.

Service agreement